So I decided today to review the new blogging platforms available today on the internet. It comes as no surprise to anyone reading this that as the internet continues to grow, people continue to search for new blogs they are interested in. Blog categories are as diverse as food, health, nutrition, to crazy and more interesting things like, fighting, sports, and news. The last of these to be read lightly without having to gasp would be blogs about politics, which now dominate people's reading preference when it comes to getting their current events.
You might be someone who's never heard of blogging, or micro-blogging, which essentially is the same as the first one but only done smaller with less words on sites like twitter. Social networking and blogging is two different sides of the same coin. For instance, people in Romania, Russia, and other parts of Europe use social networks and blogging for different means. Europeans like to blog about food, writing articles that can be as long as 3,000 words just on how to cook french toast (of course this comes from french citizens). But on social networking sites, they hardly ever write more than maybe 250 words.
As blogs continue to grow and create "micro celebrities" who are bloggers that have amassed a large amount of followers who now view the authors of the blogs are gurus, or celebrities, those who are not into following authors just because they have something to say tend to look elsewhere. If you're not into the whole celebrity worship aspect of life (being in blogs or in movies) then you probably don't mind or even care if you become a blogger yourself. For instance, my blog post opened up the debate on what name to choose for a new girl if I have one.
If, and I say this with an open heart, if you DO decide to become a blogger in the topic or category that you love best, then you might be in a place where you're not sure what platform to chose to make your new online home. The options are so many and so varied that it might become hard for you to even guess to start to think what to do in this regard. You have sites like wordpress which tend to hold the dominant portion of the market share. They are quick and easy to setup, and like every other blogging platform that i'm going to be discussing, they are free to use and come with an abundance of options and features.
If however, you're not into having the word "press" stuck in the url you chose for your blog, then you have other options and other sites where you can setup a homebase. Most of the other blogging platforms also contain a custom url option where you can edit in the word which will go along with the theme of your blog. However, they will all also put their brand in your url which would look something like this yoursite.yourblog and the tld on the end which is respective to the choice you made. The second most popular would probably be
As a new-comer to the game, budypress is defiantly worth checking out, if you're not satisfied with these options, you can always browse around the platforms which Europeans (especially those in eastern europe) use to make their words and wrongdoings stand out in their favor.